Chakras: what they are and how they may be impacting you

Over the past year or so, I’ve become fascinated by Chakras, how they work, how they impact us, and how we can balance them. Working on my chakras has really made a positive impact on me, and I highly recommend learning about them.

So: What are Chakras?

Chakras are spiritual energy centres. Chakra means "wheel" in Sanskrit, so picture spinning wheels of free-flowing energy.

We each have many of them, but most people focus on the main seven, which link to different parts of the body.

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When your chakras are open and aligned, positive energy can flow. However, it’s common for one or more to get blocked from time-to-time, which can result in emotional, mental, or even physical issues.

Although they made seem a very “new age” concept, they’ve actually been studied for thousands of years, with sacred texts mentioning them as long ago as 1500 BC.

Each of the main seven chakras is associated with a different colour and symbol, as well as a different mental state and physical part of your body.

Let’s have a look at each chakra, and how to tell when one is unbalanced…

Root Chakra.png

Your root chakra is located at the base of your spine, and is associated with your sense of security, identity and how grounded you feel.

When it’s blocked, you may feel anxious or unsure about your future. You may also have bladder or colon problems, or issues with your legs or feet.

When it’s open and flowing, you’ll feel secure and grounded (emotionally and physically).

Sacral Chakra.png

Your sacral chakra is located just below your belly button. It’s linked to self-worth, wellbeing and emotions, creativity and sexual energy.

When your sacral chakra is blocked, you may feel depressed. Physically, it’s linked to UTI’s, back pain and lack of sex drive.

When it’s aligned, you’ll feel happy, fulfilled and passionate.

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Your solar plexus chakra is in your upper abdomen, just below your rib cage. It’s your source of power and linked to confidence and self-esteem.

When it’s unbalanced, you may have a lack of confidence, anxiety, and trouble making decisions. Physically, it may cause stomach problems.

When it’s open, you’ll feel able to be your true, authentic self with confidence.

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Your heart chakra is in the centre of your chest. It (of course) is responsible for love - both for others and yourself, and also connects your physical body to your spiritual self.

When it’s unbalanced, you may experience feelings of anger, hatred, jealousy, and the inability to forgive. Physically, you may have heart issues, asthma or weight problems.

When it’s balanced love, empathy and compassion will flow from you freely.

Chakras can also be overactive: in this case, you may be giving love too freely, become needy, overly jealous, clingy and dependant.

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Your throat chakra is - funnily enough - located in your throat and is all about communication.

If it’s unbalanced, you’ll have trouble speaking up, finding the right words and being heard. Problems with your throat or mouth can manifest physically.

When functionally well, you’ll be able to communicate from the heart clearly and openly.

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Your third eye chakra is between your eyes.

When it’s blocked you may not be able to clearly hear your ‘inner voice’ (your intuition) or find it tricky to learn new skills. You may also have headaches, sight problems or pituitary gland issues.

When it’s working well, you’ll be able to tap into your intuition, see the bigger picture and feel more in touch with the spiritual world and psychic abilities.

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And finally: your crown chakra is located at the very top of your head and is a gateway to your soul, higher self and the divine (the universe, God, source - whatever works for you).

If it’s blocked, you may feel narrow-minded, skeptical, disconnected and very much stuck in the “3D” world*.

When it’s working well, you’ll feel enlightened, blissful and clear on your life purpose. You’ll feel connected to the universe.

When this chakra is fully open, you’re able to access a higher power (usually through meditation or prayer).

Unblocking your chakras

Reading through this list, there was probably a chakra that you though “hey, I need to work on that!” … or maybe even more than one.

Some ideas to work on your chakras when they feel blocked…

  1. Search on YouTube for chakra-balancing meditations. There’s tonnes out there, so find a channel you like and save it for the future. Check ‘likes’ to find a good one.

  2. Colours: look for colours that are associated with the chakra that needs work. For example, if you need to work on your root chakra, where red socks! Find a red coloured crystal and meditate with it, wear it as jewellery, or put it by your bed when you sleep. Every time you see that colour, take a moment to ground yourself, focus on that chakra and imagine some healing light in that area of your body.

  3. Yoga. There are lots of yoga flows that will help you to balance your chakras; again take a look on YouTube.

  4. Each chakra has an associated mudra (a hand position) which you can use during meditation. A simple google search will help you find the mudra for the chakra you’re working on.

Take a moment now and then to close your eyes, tune into your body, and scan through your chakras. What work do you need to do, to bring them into alignment and step into your best self?

*More on 3D/4D/5D in another blog :)


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