How to keep positive during a lockdown


So, from Thursday 5 November the UK will be locking down again for at least one month. While not altogether surprising, this has left many people feeling a bit low, frustrated and anxious about the future. If you’re feeling negative: I hear you, and I don’t blame you either.

However: let’s not let COVID-19 wreck havoc on our happiness or anxiety levels!

Here are my tips to keep positive during lockdown 2…

Accept what you can and can’t control

I know it’s tough. But it also is what it is, so accept that. Let’s not complain, have a quick vent, then let it go by changing your focus: immerse yourself in something distracting.

Take time to look after your mental wellbeing

I do these things most days, and they have a huge impact on my mental state:

  1. Write down 3 things (or more) that you’re grateful for every day, including WHY you’re grateful for them. Life doesn’t feel so tough when you realise the blessings you have in your life.

  2. Meditate. Check out the Calm app, or find some guided meditations on YouTube. It’s not about clearing all thoughts, it’s taking a moment for calm, gentle, inward reflection.

  3. Keep in touch with the people you love. We’re so lucky to live in an age where we can phone, text, video call. Last time round, I decided to speak to someone outside of my household every single day. It made such an impact.

  4. Exercise. Even just a short, gentle walk does wonders for my wellbeing. Find an exercise you enjoy and, without thinking about whether you ‘feel like doing it’, do it!

  5. Music lifts the spirits. Play it loud, dance and sing along!

Consider what you want to accomplish over the next 4 weeks

Do you regret how you spent the last lockdown? If no, great! If yes, this is a second opportunity to use the time wisely.

It could be that you do nothing! Maybe you feel run down and need to rest. Watch some TV (I highly recommend This Is Us on Prime, Virgin River on Netflix and The Morning show on AppleTV+ !)

…or, maybe there’s been something you’ve always wanted to do. For example, you want to learn Spanish, play an instrument, get fitter, declutter your home, paint, bake, knit or write a novel. Just get on with it. No excuses, set a goal of where you want to be in 4 weeks and then start taking action. You’ll thank yourself for it.


List all the things you want to do when life is ‘normal’ again

It can be hard to feel like there’smuch to look forward to. So, write that bucket list. Where would you like to travel to? Who would you like to see more often? Where would you like to eat out? What experiences do you want to have?

What about your career, home, relationships, financial situation?

The Law of Attraction is a thing. I’ve seen evidence of this. If you think you’re going to be broke, you will be. So start focusing on your future with positive intentions. Don’t worry about the ‘how’ just now, just focus on what you want and when you want it by. What do you want to be, do and have this time next year? Write it all down, start to visualise it, create a vision board (more on this next week!) and set some goals.

Remember: This time shall pass

I know, it’s crappy. But human beings have gone through worse, and come out the other side stronger and wiser. So will we. You can choose whether to let this engulf you OR take care of your mental wellbeing, find the silver linings and make the most of this coming month, as best you can.

If you’re still struggling…

I offer a mindfulness coaching programme which will help you to focus on the present, plus there’s lots of ideas, tips and inspiration on this site, so have a good browse around.

Sending you positive energy during this time x


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