Wellbeing & Spiritual Blog
Finding Marianne
Finding Marianne: the new romance novel from best-selling author Sarah Louise Smith
Tour of my Spiritual / Writing Room
Take a look around my spiritual / writing room - see my altar, my writing desk and a bunch of spiritual bits and bobs :)
The Wheel of the Year
And so the wheel turns… learn about the Wheel of the Year, and how you can celebrate each of the Sabbats
Four Ways I take care of my Mental Health
4 Ways I take care of my Mental Health: for a more positive, happier version of me.
Why I’ve been quiet… and what to expect from me next
After a year of being quiet, I’ve suddenly got LOTS to say…
Chakras: what they are and how they may be impacting you
A beginners guide to chakras - what they are and how to balance them.
What makes the world’s happiest people, happy?
What 10 years of studying happiness has taught me…
Prolactinoma: my first hand experiences
I have a prolactinoma: here I talk about what this means and share my experiences.
Spring Equinox Rituals
Spring Equinox Rituals: a perfect time to perform simple, relaxing and inspiring rituals.
Managing Mental Health during the remainder of lockdown
If you’re feeling a bit anxious or low right now, then I made this for you x
How to stay motivated and reach your goals
If you struggle to keep focused on your goals, intentions and resolutions here are my tips on how to keep progressing forward…
Spirituality & a look at my oracle cards
Hear about my spiritual beliefs & get a look at my oracle cards