Winter Solstice Rituals

…and the wheel turns…

Winter Solstice, aka Yule or The Festival of Light, is the shortest day of the year, usually 21st or 22nd December. Winter Solstice is often celebrated as a ‘festival of light’ as it marks that lighter days are coming.

At each turn of the wheel, I like to pause, reflect, and enjoy rituals to mark the passing of time, a new season…

Winter Solstice ritual ideas:

  • Watch the sunrise or set - you don’t have to get up too early or be out too late at this time of year to watch the sun rise or set, and it’s a really therapeutic thing to do on the shortest day. Enjoy the beauty, and give thanks that this powerful energy source gives us life. If you can’t get out to do this, there’s a live stream on the Stone Henge Facebook page.

  • Burning a Yule Log represents the light returning, and the sun being reborn; so if you fancy that and have a safe space to do so, find a log, decorate it with herbs, holly and pine cones, set light to it and enjoy. Or, why not make a delicious chocolate yule log?

  • Put up a tree (did you know that the Christmas tree is a pagan tradition?)

  • Light incense or candles (I’ll do both through the day) to cleanse your space, and represent the light returning.

  • Oracle or tarot card reading; ask for a message from an ancestor, spirit guide… or ask a direction question - e.g. what this season will bring, what you should be focusing on or how to deal with a specific situation.

  • Practice some self-care and take time to be still: reflect on the year gone by in your journal, meditate, enjoy a delicious hot chocolate, write a gratitude list, make plans for the season ahead, cleanse your home by burning sage... Every turn of the wheel is a great time to check in with yourself and do something relaxing and good for your wellbeing.

  • Find a local celebration - often local pagan or other spiritual groups will have an event taking place. Do a little research and find out what’s taking place near you.

  • Change up your altar; I have a spiritual altar that contains my manifestation box, candles, and represents the elements: Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Spirit. For Winter Solstice, I usually decorate with pine cones and take the time to go through my manifesting box to clear it out and refresh my intentions.

Read more about the Wheel of the Year and the Solstices and Equinoxes >

Wishing you a Blessed Winter Solstice.


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