Wellbeing & Spiritual Blog
How to stay motivated and reach your goals
If you struggle to keep focused on your goals, intentions and resolutions here are my tips on how to keep progressing forward…
Meditation & Visualisation: Clear Negative Energy & Visualise a Positive Future
Meditate with me! Let’s clear negative energy and visualise a positive future.
My recent anxiety and what I’m doing to overcome it
I’ve been feeling extra anxious lately… here I talk about it a little about it and what I’m doing to make myself feel better
6 Ways to become Mentally Tough and Resilient
Video: My six best tips to become mentally tougher.
Hygge tips to beat those winter blues
How I like to ‘hygge it up’ to get through the cold and dark season.
How to find and ignite your passion
If you’re waiting for that light-bulb moment, you might be disappointed…
What to do, when you don’t feel like doing anything
How to get over ‘I don’t feel like doing anything’
How to make amazing friendships
Good friendships can be as important as a romantic relationship…
3 Quick Ways to feel more positive
3 quick and simple things to do, to develop a more positive mindset
How to practice Mindfulness
What is mindfulness? Why does it impact us, and how can you start practicing it?