Hygge tips to beat those winter blues



What is Hygge?!

Hygge (pronounced hoo-ga) doesn’t have a literal English translation. It’s a Danish word which encompasses cosiness, wellbeing and contentment. Picture yourself getting comfortable by a roaring fire, with a soft blanket and a warm drink, reading a book… that’s just one way you may experience hygge.

Despite Denmark experiencing cold and dark winters, the people there are said to be some of the happiest on Earth, so they’re obviously getting something right. As many of us dread the cold, wet, shorter days of winter, hygge is a great way to embrace the dark half of the year.

We have a saying in my house: ‘Let’s hygge it up!’

It makes a big difference on the grey, dreary, cold days when you wish you could fast-forward to Spring.

Sounds great. How do I ‘hygge it up?!’

Here are some tips based on my own experience:

  1. Create cosiness in your space. Some nice lamps. Scented candles. Find the fluffiest, softest blankets to throw over yourself whenever you’re chilly. Light the fire, if you have one.

  2. Eat some comfort food (I personally enjoy baking our own goodies) and drink warm, delicious drinks - maybe this is a given for a winter’s day but be mindful to experience every part of it; take time to consider the way it makes you feel when you’re snuggled in your cosy space enjoying the taste, smells and warmth.

  3. Practice mindfulness and be in the present moment. Put your phone and other devices in another room for an evening (or weekend!) and just be in the moment. Read a book, play a game, enjoy good conversation, meditate, do a jigsaw puzzle, start a creative project or enjoy any other relaxing hobby.

  4. Be grateful… consider all the things you’re grateful for. This is an amazing mental wellbeing tip for all-year round but it has even more impact when it’s grey, cold and wet! Be thankful for the shelter, heating, power and food you can enjoy; many will be going without this winter. I write a minimum of 3 things I’m grateful for in my journal every day. It makes a massive impact on my mindset.

  5. Spend time with those you LOVE having around. Set some boundaries with those you don’t. Have fun, relax, enjoy their company (again, in the present moment - no phones allowed!)

  6. Get into some loungewear: it might be your warmest pyjamas, some joggers/sweat pants, that favourite jumper that has holes in it but you love and can’t throw away. Clothes that feel comfortable and cosy.


7. If you can, get outside. Even if you don’t feel like it, getting out for a crisp walk can really lift the spirits. Wrap up warm and embrace the season, noticing the glory of the nature around you.

Prepare beforehand so that you can really hygge it up big-time when you return home: baked goodies, warm drinks, candles and a lounge on the sofa are a great way to relax when you’re done.

Hygge isn’t only for winter, just FYI

Danes enjoy hygge throughout the year. In summer it’s all about picnics, fire pits and outdoor dinner parties but let’s consider that next Spring. Right now, we need to get as cosy and content… and enjoy the darker season as much as possible: life’s too short to be wishing our months away to Spring.

Want to learn more about Hygge?

I’ve read lots on this subject… My favourite, which I highly recommend, is: The Little Book of Hygge by Meik Wiking, which you can buy on Amazon, here >

Meik Wiking is an amusing but informative writer and I re-visit his book each Autumn, to remind myself how to best ‘hygge-up’ the winter months.

Wishing you a hygge-filled winter.


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