3 Quick Ways to feel more positive
Gratitude Lists
If you’ve heard this from me before, and you’re not still doing it, I urge you to give it a try. Come up with at least 3 things you’re grateful for, every morning. You could just think about these while you’re getting ready, write them down in a journal, or visualise happy memories. This is a great way to focus on the good in your life, vs the bad. Can’t think of anything? How about that you live in peace-time? That you have shelter, food, running water? If you can read this, you’re more fortunate than many... And there’s no need to stop at 3, either!
3. Always expect good things to happen
Guess what? If you expect the worst, you’ll probably get what you expect. What you think about, you bring about. So, expect the best possible results. If you regularly think phrases like “just my luck” … “this is typical” … “I never win” … “this won’t go my way” … etc - then stop! Life isn’t happening TO you. You are 100% responsible for the quality of your life. YES - BAD THINGS HAPPEN SOMETIMES - but you can choose to either learn, grow and deal with it… or you can label yourself a victim. Whatever outlook you choose, will determine the quality of your life.
Catch yourself in these negative thoughts and reframe your thinking. Think “I’m going to turn my luck around” and “I’m about to start winning at everything!” or whatever the appropriate opposite thought is to your negative thinking errors. This takes time and practice but when you get really good at it, it’s truly life changing.
Wishing you a happy, healthy day.
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