What to do, when you don’t feel like doing anything
We all have a day now and then when we just feel a bit over tired and lazy and need a rest day. However, sometimes this lasts longer than a day…
Sometimes, the things that would usually bring you joy, just don’t.
I used to feel like this a lot when I was going through depression, and still occasionally have a few days where nothing is appealing. Socialising with people I normally love to be around holds little attraction, participating in hobbies or just going for a walk feels like an effort. I feel bleak and like nothing can make me smile.
We all have low moments or days. But when you don’t feel like doing anything for a long period of time, it’s a very quick spiral into depression and maybe anxiety, too.
Not having any fun or achieving anything means a lack of ‘happy hormones’. And the less you do, the less you want to do, leading you to a vicious cirlce… and before you know it, you’re in trouble.
So here are a few tips, based on my own experiences:
Go for a mindful walk
I know, you don’t feel like it, right? It’s hard, I know. You just don’t want to - I know! I’ve been there my friend. But you know what, I’ve never ever been for a walk and got home and thought “I wish I hadn’t done that!” So just get out there. The fresh air, exercise and nature will invigorate you, even if just a little bit. While you’re walking, try and practice some mindfulness. Don’t think about the past or future but focus on everything you can see, hear, smell in the very moment. Maybe you’ll smell freshly cut grass. Maybe you’ll hear trees rustling in the breeze. Maybe you’ll see a building you really like, or a bird, or a rock. Maybe you’ll only see things you don’t like - that’s fine too. Just take it all in, observe without judgement. Sometimes we need to escape our little bubbles.
While you’re there, take a moment to thank Mother Earth for all she provides: water, food, beauty, life.
Watch, read or listen to something inspiring
There’s tonnes of stuff on YouTube, find an inspirational video (check out my channel here) … or find/download a book that’s uplifting - either fiction or a self-development book that’ll expand your mind. Find a great podcast. I personally enjoy Happy Place, with Fearne Cotton and On Purpose, with Jay Shetty.
Listen to music
This isn’t the first (or the last) time I’ve mentioned the power of music! Listen to your favourite songs. Even if you’re just sitting on the sofa, sing along, close your eyes, feel the way you felt when you first heard that song, or relive a happy memory it sparks. My feel-good playlist is here, if you need inspiration.
Just do it
That chore or boring job you’ve been putting off: just get on with it. If you don’t feel like doing something fun, you might as well get the boring stuff done, which will create more time later for more appealing activities. Plus: the sense of achievement will lift your mood.
Consider why you’re not feeling like doing anything
Sometimes we need to tackle the root-cause. Have you been taking care of your mental wellbeing? (if the answer is no, take a look around my other blogs as there’s plenty of tools and advice). Is something bothering you or stressing you out? What can be done to fix it? If nothing, what can you do to cope better? Challenge yourself to step up and change your mindset.
If you feel like this A LOT…
…and I mean, every day, every week, for many months: then you could be suffering from depression, so please get some help. I’m not a mental health professional, but I’m not a fan of antidepressants. Scientific research suggests that regular exercise has more benefit than taking meds. AND CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) was what worked for me (you can get a referral from your GP in the UK). Please seek help x