The Wheel of the Year

As my interest in wellbeing, spirituality and connection to this beautiful Earth has grown, I’ve felt time and again drawn to the Wheel of the Year.

The Wheel of the Year is noted and celebrated by many spiritual folk, pagans, witches and also those who just love nature and the turning of the seasons. Each of the eight points on the wheel are known as Sabbats:

Winter Solstice/Yule - This is the shortest day of the year and celebrated as a ‘festival of light’ as the lighter days are coming. Burning a yule log represents this light and the sun being reborn.

Imbolc - in early February. A reminder that the darkness is fading, often candles are lit to symbolise that more light is coming. Brigid is celebrated as the Celtic Goddess of Fire.

Ostara - aka Spring Equinox, the midway point between winter and summer, where there’s as many light hours in the day as dark, bringing a perfect balance.

Beltane - aka May Day. Here we celebrate Spring unfolding. The May pole represents the weaving together of different life forces. Bring flowers into your home and feel the exuberance of the season.

Litha - aka Summer Solstice. The longest day of the year, and the sun at maximum power. It’s common to light bonfires and celebrate warmth and light.

Lammas - marks the start of the harvest season, and many spiritual seeks make bread, enjoy a feast, and make corn dolls.

Mabon - aka Autumn Equinox, the midway point between summer and autumn. Again, when light and dark are in equal balance. It’s a time of harvest and preparation for the darker months.

Samhain - aka Halloween. Marks the end of the sacred year and the end of harvest. The veil between our world and the next is said to be very thin, hence the time to honour dead ancestors. It’s a time for release and what is not serving you and starting thinking afresh about your year ahead.

The wheel is always turning, and helps us to mark the different seasons and ever-changing light.

This year it’s my intention to share ideas and inspiration on how to celebrate each of the Sabbats, with therapeutic, positive rituals that will bring peace, clarity, calm and a sense of the spiritual into your life. So keep an eye out for those, and follow me on social media to see when I post.

Sending you love, light and blessings for the year ahead.



Imbolc Rituals


I’m a witch… what this means