Four Ways I take care of my Mental Health

I’m always saying this, but: Good mental health is much like good physical health: it requires work!

I’ve suffered from depression and extreme anxiety, and occasionally the anxiety rears up again… but I now have a toolkit to help me maintain and improve my mental wellbeing. I try to practice the following on a regular basis, stepping it up when I’m having a stressful time or feel my mood slipping.

I hope you find them useful too; if you have your own tips, I’d love to hear from you.

  1. Gratitude

I regularly write down a list of things I’m grateful for. Sometimes, it’s just three things. Other times, I literally write everything I can think of, filling pages and pages in my journal. There’s always something to be grateful for - that I have a healthy, able body … that I have a roof over my head … that I have running water, heating, power, wifi … that the sun is shining, or that it’s raining and providing the Earth with water … that I have people who love me …. all those things we take for granted. Then there’s the more ‘deep and meaningful’ things, like that kind thing that person did. Like that stroke of “luck” I had the other day. What are you grateful for right now?

2. Move it, move it

Exercise releases ‘happy hormones’ - endorphins. A study was done where 50% of patients suffering from depression were asked to exercise for 30 minutes a day, and the other half were given anti-depressants. Those who did the exercise recovered faster and were much less likely to relapse.

It’s hard to be motivated sometimes, especially if you’re tired (anxiety often brings insomnia for me) - but even just ten minutes makes such a difference. Find something you enjoy doing (for me: swimming, dancing, yoga, walking) and don’t think about whether you feel like it, just do it.

3. Balance pleasure and achievement

I learned this during CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and it was life-changing. When I feel unwell mentally, I don’t really feel like doing anything. It’s hard to get motivated to do even the most fun, enjoyable things because nothing feels fun and enjoyable when you’re in a bad place.

So, find a good balance: achieve things. Set goals, and smash them. Get the cleaning done. Turn up for work. Reward yourself for ticking that to do list. But also: have fun! Immerse yourself in hobbies, go for a day out or a holiday, meet up with people you love. Sometimes, you have to force yourself to do it, but a healthy mindset needs balance of pleasure and achievement.

4. Be around positive, like-minded people

I realised something once; I had too many people around me who were always negative and complaining, or just plain toxic. Whether it’s friends, family, colleagues or your romantic partner… you gotta protect yourself from that energy. If it’s at work, try raising the vibe - or even look for a new job. If it’s friends, find new ones. If it’s family; you can love your family without spending too much time with them. If it’s your romantic partner: talk to them, and if they won’t attempt to change: you deserve better.

We become like the five people we spend the most time with. Find like-minded people who light up your soul, and bring positivity, fun and joy.

Have a wonderful day xo


Video: Life Update


My Spiritual Path