My Spiritual Path
My Spiritual beliefs and rituals
My Beliefs
It’s hard to define my beliefs in a short few sentences, but essentially, I believe in: multiple gods and goddesses, Mother Earth (Gaia), the healing power of crystals and plants, grounding and light, that I have a soul and that this soul has lived multiple lives, that everything in the universe is connected, in the law of attraction, in chakras and star seeds… and a whole lot more. I find the majority of people with the same beliefs label themselves as ‘spiritual’ … however, I would also say: I’m a pagan. Sadly, this word has picked up negative connotations, as has the word ‘witch’. Many pagans stay “in the broom closet” and never even reveal themselves. Although there’s a lot of hate in the world, a more open, more connected and more aware spiritual community is emerging, which is just wonderful.
My Rituals
My spiritual life includes the use of crystals, essential oils, a cauldron, divination (oracle and tarot cards), burning sage and incense, lots of candles, spellwork, manifesting, grounding (connecting to Earth), meditation, spirit guides (they’re awesome, my guides), shadow work, connecting to nature, balancing my chakras and more.
My Altar
I also have an altar. It contains: representations of each of the elements - Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit… as well as crystals, a manifesting box, my cauldron, any particular oracle cards I’ve pulled and feel drawn to, and then some items for the season. So for example, in Autumn I had some gorgeous red and golden leaves I’d collected on my altar.
My Grimoire / Book of Shadows
This is a bit like a spiritual scrap book; check out Pinterest for 1000’s of ideas. It’s a place to collect your spiritual notes, thoughts, ideas, inspiration, rituals, recipes and whatever you fancy. Every grimoire is unique to the person creating it. Mine is a constant work in progress and I find working on it fun, therapeutic, creative and often a learning opportunity if I want to create a page on a topic I’m not so familiar with.
…Okay, so that’s my spiritual side in a nutshell.
It is always evolving, changing, growing and my path is unique to me.
Read on if you want to hear more about my ‘awakening’….
My Spiritual Awakening
Where to begin? I guess at the beginning…
As a child, I wasn’t really into religion. My parents didn’t really talk to me about it, we didn’t go to church or anything like that. However I always had a sense that there was ‘more’. I also remember feeling at a very young age that this wasn’t my first life; that I’d reincarnated. I even suspected I’d come from a different planet, in that previous life.
As a teen and in my early 20’s I was quite anti any organised religion, but I still felt that there was more; more than I could see. More to this universe. I felt very much like things were connected, although I couldn’t really articulate it and didn’t take the time to explore this.
I started getting into crystals after meeting my husband, who had a few and wore a hematite bracelet. I then read a book about Paganism, and started taking an interest in ‘white magic’. I read a bunch more books and felt very much like I sat under the ‘pagan’ umbrella; but I kept quiet about this (as many pagans do) as there’s rather a lot of judgement and the unfounded negative association around the word ‘pagan’ and ‘witch’ didn’t sit well with the shy, desperate for people to like me Sarah that I was back then.
After a period of depression in my later 20’s, I decided to read books about Buddhism; it seemed to me that Buddhists were calm, happy, content folk and I wanted some of that. I loved everything I learned but didn’t really consider myself a Buddhist.
I collected crystals, and I manifested positive outcomes in my life via the Law of Attraction, but it wasn’t until early 2020 that I really had what I now call my spiritual awakening.
I went to an event, and meditated in a field; and during the meditaton I saw a Goddess. She had a long, thin staff and the head of a Lion. I had no clue what to make of this, but when she spoke to me, I felt filled up with unconditional love. She told me I’m a lightworker and that I’m here, in this lifetime, to help others and to raise the vibration on Earth.
Since then, I’ve really embraced my spiritual life. I consider myself a pagan, these days without so much fear of judgement. I connect to my higher self, to nature and to my spiritual team and it brings me joy, enlightenment, guidance and calm in my busy life.