How to stop being bored
I heard something on the radio the other day: people who get bored are boring. At first, this seemed a pretty mean statement, but really, if you think about it, it's true.
There is so much to experience and learn about, to see and hear and do. I don't think I could ever fit it all in, in my lifetime. That's why I hate it when folks say they are bored.
I wish I had time to get bored; because even if I didn't have a full-time job, or a house to look after, or a family and pets, I don't think I'd ever get bored.
If I had all the time in the world, I'd do everything. I'd learn about different cultures and languages, I'd read about historical events and educate myself about how the world works. I'd devour hundreds of books and catch all the old movies. I'd travel all over the UK, and then all over Europe - and then the rest of the world
.I'd paint and knit, go out for walks, swim more often, spend more time with family and friends. I'd take more photos, learn a musical instrument, cook a different recipe each night, and write all the novels I've had in my head since I can remember. I'd never run out of things to do.
So, if you are thinking to yourself "I am bored" - DON'T! Please... just remember all there is to do and see, experience and learn about and don't waste your life any more! Seize it! Make it interesting.
You are in control of your destiny and many who are no longer with us would give anything for the time you have on your hands right now.
Ideas to combat boredom
Here is a list of things I would do, if I ever had the time to get bored. With the internet providing endless information and resources, many of these wouldn't cost you a thing:
Write that story that's been in your head forever.
Do something nice for someone you care about; perhaps just visiting them with a bunch of flowers would make their day?
Learn a new language.
Learn how to play an instrument.
Learn about: the weather, wildlife, animals, trees, birds, history, science, geography.
Find out about the places you've always wanted to visit and think of ways to get there.
Go out walking - locally and anywhere within an hour's reach.
Learn to knit.
Watch old movies: Casablanca, Gone with the Wind ... and hundreds more.
Read all those books you've heard of but never got around to reading. Re-read all your favourite books, and find a pile of books you've never heard of but sound interesting.
Go swimming. Often.
Cycle. Often.
Call or email all those great friends you've lost touch with and organise to meet up. Do the same with your relatives.
Exercise more; yoga in particular interests me.
Think about what you used to love doing, but somehow forgot about.
Grow something; flowers, fruit, vegetables, trees. Whatever you like.
Adopt something; fish, a cat, a dog, a rabbit. Whatever you like.
Take more photos.
Dance and sing.
Cook a new recipe.
Look for shows, plays, music gigs, comedy nights that you might enjoy.
Get free tickets to be in a TV audience.
Go to London, Edinburgh, Bath or some such and take in the tourist attractions. How often do we ignore what is right on our doorsteps?
Start a blog and tell the world (or just one solitary reader, but who cares?) what you think. Vent and rave and express opinion and just try writing.