Find a job you love

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Stuck in a job you hate? Been there. Feel grumpy and/or anxious on a Sunday evening at the thought of Monday morning? Been there too, my friend! Whether you’re bored, hate your manager, have annoying colleagues, or just don’t feel fulfilled… it sucks to be in a job you don’t get anything from except a salary.

I’ve also had jobs that were just ‘OK’… nice people, good pay, work I can handle… but the danger with jobs like this is that you stay there too long. It’s easy to coast in ‘OK’ jobs, without actually realising that you could be achieving more and doing something you really love.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Life is too short to spend it doing anything you don’t enjoy! It’s time to step up, take 100% responsibility for YOUR life, and find something that brings you joy, fulfilment AND the salary you need.

Feel the fear, and do it anyway

This is the title of an amazing book by Susan Jeffers, which I recommend reading if you’re nervous at the thought of changing job (or doing anything else you find scary for that matter).

Remember: you are capable of achieving anything you set out to. If you can read this, you can learn new skills (whether it be a technical skill or even something like building your charisma and becoming more confident, there are tonnes of free resources online, lots of great books, and plenty of fantastic courses you can take).

But I don’t know what job I might enjoy!

Here are a few tips if you’re considering a career change but feel stuck:

  1. Write a list of things you love to do. Literally add everything you can think of. Then review the list and see if there are any ways you find a job or make money in that area. You might need get creative. If you think “I can’t do that” then that’s just a fear or a limiting belief creeping in. Google is your friend; e.g. if you love animals then google ‘jobs with animals’ and see what comes up.

  2. Write a list of things you’re brilliant at. If you struggle with this, text 10 friends/relatives and ask them for 3 things they think you’re good at.

  3. Write a list of things you feel passionate about.

…by now you should start to see some possible career ideas popping up. Yes, it might be scary but you are 100% responsible for your life. So step up, take control and make it happen!

Jobs that bring the most satisfaction

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If you have a sense that you’d like to do something that matters, then consider jobs that make a difference in some way (be it for people, animals, the environment, etc). It’s been proven that these sorts of job bring higher levels of happiness and satisfaction.

If you feel strongly about this, perhaps look for a company that makes a difference in the world and does good Vs just generating profits for shareholders.

If it isn’t your day-job, perhaps you could volunteer for a charity or help out in your local community in some way.

Some employers are WAY better than others

Some workplaces have great HR departments, they invest in their employees, and you’ll have a great team of people around you. Others are just awful.

If your employer sucks, get out ASAP. And if you’re worried about the next employer being the same or worse, check out Glass Door. It’s a great site where employees can leave reviews about their employers.

Remember what I said above about having a job that matters? Pick your new employer wisely.

Get your CV and interview skills up-to-date

I once took a professional CV-writing and interview skills course and it was excellent. Ensure your CV is accurate, clear, engaging and really bigs up the skills needed for the job you want. There are tonnes of blogs and YouTube videos out there giving you tips on all this; so no excuses. Find out how to sell yourself at an interview and smash it.

Start your own business

If someone had told me 10 years ago that I’d run my own business, I’d have laughed in their face. I’d have said I didn’t have the skills, knowledge, ability… and yet here I am.

I have clients to take care of and I have to do my own accounting, marketing and admin. I don’t get pension contributions, holiday or sick pay. But I choose the days and hours I work, and I pick the work I do. And it’s really rather wonderful.

If you’ve got an idea that’s buzzing around in your mind for a business, then do it. Don’t have any regrets. At first, you might need to work on it in the evenings or weekends to build things up. I did this for 3 months before I left my corporate 9-5 job and it was tough, but totally worth it. Spread your wings and step up to live your dreams.

Still feeling stuck?

I’m currently training to become a life coach. I’ll be working 1-1 with those who want to make a change, find accountability, and become the best version of themselves. I’ll help you to figure out what you want, and how to go after it. If you’d like to work with me, you can read more here >>

Have an awesome day, and if you hate your job: find a new one.


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